Knowledge is Power!
Store ssh keys in AWS secret manager using Terraform
Adds ssh key to aws secrets manager using terraformAdds ssh key to aws secrets manager using terraform - main.tfGist262588213843476
Knowledge is Power!
Adds ssh key to aws secrets manager using terraformAdds ssh key to aws secrets manager using terraform - main.tfGist262588213843476
Beyond the Beaten Path
We all do have our doubts about our capabilities... Being on slippery ground I realized two things - having a mentor is important and equally important is selling yourself to people out there and determining your worth. In the beginning it won't be easy and there are so
Beyond the Beaten Path
✳️ 🍕 🧁 🍧 ▪️ 🌼 🦋 🤯 🌮 🐰 💩 🍀 🌴 🐜🍟 🦧 🍁 🍒 🍸 🥂 🍬 🍹 🙀 😵 🥴 🧐 😖 🐣 👀 🐼 💭 🎀 🎈 🍦 🛡️ 🔘 🍨 ❓ 🇦 😁 ✴️ 💡 🤦♀️ 🤷🏻♀️ To be honest I have had my hard share of time to understand and accept that taking your own time to understand a topic is normal and good. one should not focus on learning fast rather one should learn to ask good questions!! Beacause thats how we deepen our understanding.
Knowledge is Power!
Simple setup to monitor my machine using node_exporter: Exposes my machine metrics at http://localhost:9100/metrics prometheus: A storage for metrics. It scrapes the metrics from endpoint /metrics at defined interval to get the current state of the metrics and stores values in prometheus tsdb grafana: Visual representation
Knowledge is Power!
Abstract:: * Add CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy policy to EC2 instance IAM role * Install CloudWatch Agent ( amazon linux 1 ): * Create a file /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json and add custom metrics needed for monitoring. Example: { "metrics": { "metrics_collected"
Knowledge is Power!
Multitenancy is a concept in which a single instance of a software application or service serves multiple customers or "tenants." Each tenant has their own isolated environment, separate from other tenants, and is only able to access and modify their own data. In simple words, it means that
Knowledge is Power!
Quick peek-a-boo :P => /var/log/messages : General log messages => /var/log/boot : System boot log => /var/log/debug : Debugging log messages => /var/log/auth.log : User login and authentication logs => /var/log/daemon.log : Running services such as squid, ntpd and others log message to
Knowledge is Power!
Basic understanding Story is kinda similar to DNs basics. * There is a sender and a receiver. Both have their Email server. * To make it easy these mail server can be gmail, yahoo, orkut etc. * EX:Sender's mail: sender@gmail.comReceiver's mail: receiver@yahoo.comsender wants to
Knowledge is Power!
Backdated data refers to data that is recorded or entered into a system with a date that is earlier than the current date or the date of the data collection. Backdated data can occur when data is recorded or entered manually, and the person responsible for recording the data enters
Knowledge is Power!
When you're building a new system, you need to decide what kind of "filing cabinet" to use. This "filing cabinet" is called a database. A database is a tool that helps you store and find information easily. Just like a toy box where you
Knowledge is Power!
Run a file as root irrespective of who is running it. It is a file permission, delegated as `s` allowing current user to execute that file as root. Yeah, kinda like a sudo To set up setuid: touch @: ls -l - rw-r--r-- 1 niva niva 0 Dec 5
Knowledge is Power!
Cron job to upload files on s3 #!/bin/bash end=$((SECONDS+300)) mkdir -p samay cd samay while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do # Do what you want. touch $(date "+%F-%T")_file.txt sleep 60 aws s3 sync ../samay s3://<bucket_name>/ --region ap-south-1 : done