We’ve been building gokakashi in Go for a while now, and we had this wild thought: “What if users could define their own evaluation conditions on top of the scan reports?” Something like this in the config file: check: condition: | sev.critical > 0 || sev.high > 0 &
This is how I finally made sense of interfaces in Go. There are countless resources out there, but fails to simplify how to grasp and implement interfaces effectively, atleast for me. While observing my niece one day (toddlers can be surprisingly inspiring!), an analogy clicked in my mind. Let me
Cardinality refers to the number of unique elements in a set or the number of distinct values in a data set. In the context of metrics and time-series data, cardinality refers to the number of unique combinations of metric name, label name, and label value that are present in a
k8s_terraform_metrics/templates/k8s_provider.tf at main · ashwiniag/k8s_terraform_metricsTerraform + K8s + Vicoriametrics + Kube-state-metrics + Prometheus operator - ashwiniag/k8s_terraform_metricsGitHubashwiniag